
All Because of Ysolda

Back in January, the darling man in my life bought me an amazing birthday present...

...My very own copy of Ysolda's Little Red in The City!

I honestly cannot recommend this book enough. The layout is stunning, the patterns are perfect and exactly what you'd expect from her, and it's packed with information about fitting sweaters. I should point out here that I have terrible luck with sweaters--absolutely the worst. Something about my pronounced hourglass figure (my bust to waist ratio is ridiculous) just resists anything wooly I try to put on it. I've made quite a few sweaters in my knitting career, and none of them are still in my closet. The highlight was probably the Rowan pullover that made me feel like Dolly Parton.
But, this? This book is magic.

Photo 8 - 2012-05-21

See? When I finished this sweater, I put it on and then couldn't stop smiling. Because what is better than finally discovering how to make a sweater for you, and then ending up with the snuggliest, cutest garment imaginable?

Take a quick sec and compare mine to Ysolda's:


Mine has a lot more postive ease, and I eliminated most of the waist shaping for a slightly swingier sweater. I also knit the edging up around the collar instead of adding a hood. The corners of the collar are also worked the same way as they are at the hem--although, if I was going to do it again, I'd work some decreases into the collar edging so it would hug my body a little more closely.

It took me a couple months of knitting off and on in my college classes to finish the whole thing, but I really couldn't be happier. So, here's to knitting the right sweater at last! I might even have another cardigan on the needles, now that I have sweater mojo. But I can't tell you that for sure; no way am I going to risk jinxing it before I even finish the yoke! *wink*

(ps. a while back I wrote a little  piece partly inspired by the book. you can find it here.)

Cheers! ♥

Photo 9 - 2012-05-21
Ravelled here.

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