

I have to admit, it's been an amazing year. I got engaged, spent several months in one of the most beautiful parts of China, started blogging, started designing my own patterns, and changed so much as a person. It's incredible to look back and see all that the past twelve months have brought my way. I feel so blessed. 

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for my darling future husband, for my family, for yarn from America and wine from Chile, for community in all its forms, for all the colors of leaves and mountains, for freedom of speech, for chocolate and espresso, for future hopes, and for the people that I've met--and all the adventures along the way. There is so much in the world to appreciate, and it's lovely to set some time aside to think about just how much.

Plus, I smell snow on the air... Winter's magic will be here soon!


  1. Hey Chika! This is a beautiful post- you are right, so much to be thankful for! :-) And I (one of those people you met on the way) am thankful for you!!

    PS It is snowing in UB right now! Hope you get your snow soon xx

  2. sounds like 2010 has been good to you. here's to hoping that 2011 can top your 2010. :)
